



【苏菲诗歌&国际翻译网 全球讯】本站主编苏菲Sophy Chen中国广州编辑报道。
中国知名青年女诗人、翻译家苏菲的英语原创十四行诗歌集《晚香玉》英英版电子书,2018年1月30日,在美国亚马逊英语图书网kindle Store公开出版发行。本诗歌集精选了苏菲原创英语十四行诗第1-15首里面的8首诗,共13页。其中除了《晚香玉》Sonnet 3 Tuberose和《仿若跌入你的浪涛》Sonnet 12 As if I’d Fallen in Its Waves 已经由苏菲本人翻译成汉语之外,剩余6首都未曾翻译成汉语。
中国作家在海外出版书的人很多,但是用英语写诗并用纯英语出版诗歌集的诗人并不多,特别是英语十四行诗。美国亚马逊英语图书网是全球图书覆盖最大的图书网,目前是全球图书网点做得最好的图书商城,特别是电子书。它以美国为中心,下属13个图书网。这13个销售网站的语言除了英语之外还有其它十几门语言,分别销往全球各主要国家,即美国、英国等以下US, UK, DE,FR, ES, IT, NL, JP, BR, CA, MX, AU, IN, 13个国家和地区。本书先以电子书形式出版,根据网络销售反馈情况,再决定是否出版纸质书和英语朗诵版。
作为一个中国人能用英语写诗是我人生最大的挑战;在美国亚马逊英语图书网出版英语诗歌集,那也是我多年梦寐以求的事情。在此我想郑重感谢美国著名诗人Ron Chapman多年以来对苏菲英语诗歌写作的鼓励和支持。没有美国英语本族语诗人的鼓励和赞赏,苏菲断然无法实现英语十四行诗歌的创作。再次,还要感谢对苏菲诗歌写作和诗歌翻译起到决定性作用的两位中国男诗人,一位是诗人、评论家、兼诗歌翻译出版家野鬼/张智先生。另一位便是诗人、诗歌评论人大藏,感谢大藏数年来对苏菲我本人的辛勤协助。也感谢众多的诗人、作家、艺术家、读者朋友们的鼓励和支持。对了,还要特别感谢苏菲英语讲坛的同学们对苏菲的积极支持。
亚马逊图书电子书可以在各个设备阅读,台式电脑、手提电脑、平板电脑、手机,电视播放阅读。想一睹为快的朋友,可以登录美国亚马逊英语网在线购买,电子阅读器每个设备有自己独立的下载网址,可以去亚马逊APP Store 或者Google Play APP Store 下载。付费之后,网址会指引你去下载相应的设备。目前美国亚马逊网支持用Visa Card,Master Card 等国际卡支付。




Sophy Chen's English Sonnets
1)Sonnet 1 After Ten Years
2)Sonnet 2 I Met Your Photo in the BLOG
3)Sonnet 3 Tuberose
4)Sonnet 4 We Met on a Cross Road
5)Sonnet 5 A Poem broken
6)Sonnet 12 As if I'd Fallen in Its Waves
7)Sonnet 13 You
8) Sonnet 14 Farewell XISU

Sonnet 3 Tuberose
By Sophy Chen

As I was young my mom planted some flowers
In front of our old wooden house in springs
In my memory they were peony, China rose…
But what I loved the most was the tuberose

In summer night it’s a nice time to me
You could sit in yard to listen the night birds
Singing on cliffs, insects singing in bushes
And look at the moon moving in night skies

However, while your heart was beating at pace
With insects singing and in the sudden
From nowhere floating a ray of fragrance
In the moon a bunch of tuberose blossoms

As these flowers always bloom in moon nights
Your great poem may be living in its fragrance

2013-10-05 In Guangzhou, China

Sonnet 12 As if I'd Fallen in Its Waves
By Sophy Chen

As I was back to my country crossing the bridge
The Jialing River bathing in sun rising always
I would think of you by leaning on its railings
As if I'd fallen in its waves in one thousand years

If I did not cross it I’d see you every day
I'd touch your smile, your lady killer eyes
I thought I'd rather touch your eyes forever
You may not know the bridge I suffered so

In that year I must pass the ancient bridge
As soon as possible, for if I did not cross it
I was quite sure I would drop into the river
And disappear without any echoes forever

The bridge has been damaging almost for 20 years
Where is your charming eyes, the bridge knows

2014-03-11 In Guangzhou, China


苏菲/陈丽华 2018-01-31 中国广州

Chinese Poetess Sophy Chen’s Original English Sonnets Collection TUBEROSE Published Online Worldwide in American English Amazon

——”Tuberose”A Chinese girl’s English Sonnets

[Global News, Sophy Poetry & International Translation Website] the Chief editor Sophy Chen edited and released in Guangzhou, China.
Chinese well-known young poetess and translator Sophy Chen’s original English sonnets collection ‘Tuberose’ English-English e-book was published online worldwide in Kindle Book Store of American English Amazon on January 30, 2018. This poetry collection selected eight poems in Sophy Chen’s 1-15 original English Sonnets, for 13 pages in total. Besides of Sonnet 3 Tuberose and Sonnet 12 As if I’d Fallen in Its Waves have been translated into Chinese by Sophy Chen herself, another six sonnets have not been translated into Chinese.
Many Chinese writers’ books were published overseas, but there’re not many poets who write poems in English, published their poetry collections in English language, especially the English sonnets. The American English Amazon book website is the world largest book library platform, and also the world best book outlets, and especially e-books. There are 13 book outlets websites based on the center of the United States. The languages of the 13 sales websites include not only English, but also other languages, which are respectively exported to all the major countries and regions in the world, namely, US, UK and DE, FR, ES, IT, NL, JP, BR , CA, MX, AU, IN. It was first published in e-book, according to the online sales feedback, and then decide to publish paper books and English recitation version.
Being a Chinese who can write poetry in English is my greatest life challenge; to publish English poetry collection in American English Amazon book website is what I have been dreaming for many years. Here firstly I would like to solemnly thank the famous American poet Ron Chapman for his encouragement and support for Sophy Chen’s English poetry writing over the years. Without his encouragement and appreciation as a native American poet in the United States, Sophy Chen categorically would fail to achieve the creation of English Sonnets. Secondly, I would like to thank two Chinese poets who played a decisive role in Sophy Chen’s poem writing and poetry translation. One is the poet, critic, translator, and poetry translation publisher Diablo/Mr Zhang Zhi. The other is the poet and the poetry critic Dazang, who owed his great assistance to Sophy Chen myself over the years. I am also grateful to many poets, writers, artists, readers and friends for their encouragement and support. Oh, yes, my special thanks to the students of Sophy English Forum for their active support of me.
Thanks for the encouragement and support of you, poets, writers, critics, translators, artists, readers, friends and the majority of English students! Without your strong support, Sophy Chen, I would categorically fail to get through the international English language book outlets as Amazon and let the Chinese poetry going internationally. Thanks to you, thanks to poetry, thanks to poetry translation, and let our friendship forever !
Amazon’s eBooks can be read on various devices, desktops, laptops, tablets, cell phones, and TVs. If you want to read it at once, you can log in to the American Amazon in English, E-readers device has its own separate download URL, you can go to the Amazon APP Store or Google Play APP Store to download. After payment, the URL will guide you to download the appropriate device. At present the United States supports with Visa Card, Master Card and other international cards.

Link: “Tuberose” A Chinese girl’s English Sonnets (click here!)


“Tuberose” A Chinese girl’s English Sonnets


苏菲(Sophy Chen),本名陈丽华,中国当代女诗人、翻译家。美国英语“传奇诗人”。“苏菲诗歌&翻译网”、“苏菲诗歌&翻译杂志社”、“苏菲国际翻译出版社”创建人。“苏菲英语讲坛”创办者兼主讲人。毕业于西安外国语大学英文学院。

About Translator Sophy Chen
Sophy Chen, her name, Lihua and family name, Chen, is the Chinese contemporary poetess, translator, and American English "Legendary Poet". She is the founder of "Sophy Poetry & Translation Website", “Sophy International Poetry” Magazine (Multilingual Translation) and "Sophy International Translation Publishing House". She is the founder and leading lecturer of "Sophy English Forum".
She graduated from English Institute of Xian Foreign Studies University in English Literature.
She won the annual "International Best Translator" Award 2012 and the Chinese Contemporary Poetry (2013-2014) Translation Award.
She translated and published six Chinese poetry collections into English, The Flower Swaying (2014) , Tibetan Incense (2014), The Outlook of Life (2014), The Different Tunes (2014), The Body Forward (2015), and A Poetry Biography for White Snake (2015), etc.


网站信息 / Website Information
网站创办人:苏菲(Sophy Chen)
总编/翻译:苏 菲(Sophy Chen)
网站制作/中文编辑:大 藏

首席驻站诗人:大 藏

版权声明 / Copyright Statement







sophychen logo - ©Translated by Sophy Chen©Translated by Sophy Chen
翻译版权所有 侵权必究





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