主页 苏菲诗歌Sophy Poetry 苏菲英汉诗歌Sophy Poetry(E-C)

苏菲英汉诗歌Sophy Poetry(E-C)


全网投稿指南 Poems Contributions   世界诗人诗歌集(双语对照)翻译出版 全球征稿 Notice to Contributors of Poetry Collection Series of Sophy Chen World Poetry Translation Library (Bilingual) 欢迎全世界诗人来稿! Poets’ Works Are Welcome From All Over...

苏菲原创英汉双语诗歌《不朽的舞者》 The Great Dancer, Sophy Original E-C Poetry

我从未见过像你这样一个女人 77岁还可以跳芭蕾:在我眼里,你是一位不朽的舞者 你说芭蕾舞就是你的生命 你翩翩起舞如同一位尊贵的女王 你青春的气息如同一个年轻的少女…

苏菲英汉对照三俳句《枯萎的玫瑰》Haiku A Wizened Rose

Haiku A Wizened Rose By Sophy Chen On my desk, a white rose Wizened, in a black vase But still emanates its fragrance 2012-11-7 Beijing China 俳句 枯萎的玫瑰 苏菲 桌上,黑花瓶 一支白玫瑰,枯萎 仍芳香四溢 二零一二年十一月七日 燕郊 (苏菲英汉对照诗歌)

[中国]苏菲英汉对照诗歌 《晚香玉》Tuberose

苏菲 《晚香玉》(苏菲英汉对照诗歌)混语版《世界诗人》季刊 76期 封二 Sophy Chen Tuberose As I was young my mom planted some flowers In front of our old wooden house in springs In my memory...

[中国]苏菲《面对恐怖主义,诗歌是一无是处的是处》[China] Sophy Chen Faced with Terrorism, Poetry Is Nothings' Nothing

After being online for 24 hours, searching all of the search engines, Trying all of the key words, in all the entangled web of the internet, I found not the slightest trace of you. After being online for 48 hours, like a cat on a hot tin roof, Again and again, slaving over a steaming pan…

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