《开篇词》 OPENING NOTE 意大利全球诗歌选本《反恐诗歌》电子书




——The Italian Global Poetry Anthology ‘POETRY AGAINST TERROR’ e-book
by Fabrizio Frosini

by Fabrizio Frosini

(www.sophypoetry.com, Sophy Chen translated and published, 2016-01-11, GZ, China)

After I posted my poem, ‘Blood Rain’, on PoemHunter.com, my dear friend Pamela Sinicrope wrote to me saying that we had to think about a future collection of poems on the bloody Paris events of November 13th. From that suggestion the project was born. And I wanted it to become a large collective work: the voice of poets from many different countries, worldwide, who stand up and speak aloud — but without hatred — against the bloody madness of terror.
Astonishingly, 64 Poets from 42 different countries (counting both each poet’s home country and the ones where some of the poets currently live) have joined this project, and I wish to say “thank you” to each of them.
To make this project a tribute to the countless innocent victims, worldwide, we — poets of the world — wish to make our voices resonate in the minds and hearts of all women and men who refuse to be silenced by hate and violence. For this reason, I addressed a letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations (of which you can read an excerpt here below), and the other poets sent a similar letter to the Head of State of their respective countries. It is a symbolic gesture, but it highlights our commitment as “Poets against Terror”.
In April, 2016, we will make our collection of poetry freely available, especially to schools, because we believe that education, fairness and justice are the crucial key to help fight and overcome ‘terror ideology’ — not discrimination, as some voices call for. On such a basis we seek a moral support from both national and international organizations, in order to give visibility to our project, because, to quote my friend and co-editor Daniel Brick, “this project is about compassion for the victims of terrorism, it’s a celebration of a simple equation: ‘violence = more violence ; peace = peace’. We’ve made it clear, we’re not debating causes, but mourning a particular ‘effect’ which is the intentional murder of innocents”.
This project would not have come about without the valuable help and support of my poet colleagues and friends Daniel Brick, Pamela Sinicrope and Richard Thézé. To them, my co-editors: "Grazie di Cuore" (my whole-hearted thanks).
Thanks also to Leila Samarrai and Valsa George Nedumthallil, who have helped with the commentaries, and — last but not least — to Galina Italyanskaya, who has created the book cover. However, we need to recognize the role of another invaluable source of help: the Poetry website ‘PoemHunter.com’. I would not have had the capacity, in such a short time, to invite so many poets worldwide to take part in this project without the help of "our site". All of us are indeed active members at PoemHunter.com.
One final thought: I would like, at this point, to remember all the victims of terrorism and their families —those who have suffered and those who have died — everywhere, in the world. Let me say to them, and to ourselves: We shall not forget.

Fabrizio Frosini, Florence, 20th December 2015


(诗歌诗歌&翻译网 苏菲翻译报道,2016-01-11,中国 广州)

为了把这本书献给,全球范围内,无数无辜的受害者,我们 —— 世界诗人——希望我们的声音在自己心中产生共鸣,在那些由于仇恨和暴力保持沉默的男男女女心中产生共鸣。出于这个原因,我已经给联合国秘书长致函(你可以在下文读到一些信件的摘录),其他诗人也给他们各自的国家元首发出了类似的信函。虽说这只是一个象征性行为,但它凸显了我们“诗人反对恐怖”的承诺。
2016年四月,我们会尽可能地,免费发放这本诗歌集,特别是学校,因为我们相信,正如一些声音呼吁的那样,教育、公平正义是帮助打击和消除“恐怖意识形态”—— 没有歧视,关键的关键。在此基础上,为了能给该出版项目一定的能见度,我们寻求国内和国际组织道义上的支持,因为,引用好友,这本书的联合编辑,丹尼尔•布瑞克的话“这个出版项目是对恐怖主义受害者的同情,是一个值得颂扬的一次方程式:‘暴力 = 更暴力;和平 = 和平’。我们已经说得很清楚,我们不是在辩论恐怖主义产生的原因,我们在哀悼特定的‘效果‘,那些被蓄意谋杀的无辜天使们。
另一个核心作用,一个宝贵资源: “PoemHunter.com” 诗歌网站。 没有“我们网站”的帮助,我没有能力,在这么短的时间内,邀请到世界各地,这么多的诗人参加这个项目。我们所有诗人确实是PoemHunter.com诗歌网站活跃的会员。


苏菲英译汉 2016-01-03 中国 广州



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