

苏菲主编《苏菲译·世界诗歌年鉴》(汉英对照) 常年征稿
Call For Poems Of Sophy Chen’s Translation Of “World Poetry Yearbook” (C-E Bilingual) all years

新诗1首不超过25行;古体诗词4-8句左右; 俳句3-9句
投稿微信:sophypoetry3 (或已加微信)

Please submit 1 masterpiece of free verse in English within 25 lines
or haiku in English within 3-9 sentences.
Submission Method: Sophy Chen’s facebook
or email: xisusophy@163.com

Notice to Contributors of Poetry Collection Series of Sophy Chen World Poetry Translation Library (Bilingual)世界诗人诗歌集(英汉对照)全球常年征稿
Notice to Contributors of World Poets' Poetry Collection Series of Sophy Chen World Poetry Translation Library (Bilingual)
联系微信: sophypoetry3,478674384
E-mail: xisusophy@163.com(overseas)





——苏菲将苏菲世界诗歌奖 中意文化友谊奖 授予意大利著名诗人, 苏菲将《苏菲译·世界诗歌年鉴》《枯萎的玫瑰》等诗集赠送给世界各国诗人


Chinese Poet and Translator Sophy Chen Honored As Ambassador to China of Italy’s
“Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” in Italy, Made Her Acceptance Speech in English 

Chinese poet and translator Sophy Chen has been interviewed by Italian government media! Giornale Centro Sicilia (Newspaper Center Sicily) .

— Sophy Chen Awarded Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards, Cultural Friendship Awards Of Italy-China to Italian Poet
— Sophy Chen Presented Her Poetry Collection A Wizened Rose, Sophy Chen’s Translation World Yearbook, and Other Poetry Collections to Poets Around the World


正在台上接受所获意大利帕那苏斯诗歌奖驻华大使 奖牌证书
(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-22日 )

Chinese Poet and Translator Sophy Chen
Getting “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” Ambassador’s Certificate Trophy of Italy on Stage
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-22)


[《苏菲诗歌&翻译》英汉世界纸质诗刊、苏菲国际翻译出版社、苏菲诗歌国际翻译网、帕那苏斯诗歌研究院、主办人、诗人卡洛杰罗•拉•韦基亚、帕那苏斯诗歌奖驻华大使、《苏菲译·世界诗歌年鉴》主编苏菲、意大利、中国联合报道 2023-11-03]
[“Sophy Poetry & Translation” E-C World Poetry Paper Magazine, Sophy International Translation Publishing House, Sophy Poetry International Translation Websites, Academy of “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award”, Calogero La Vecchia, poet, the host and founder of “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award”, and Sophy Chen, “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Ambassador”, Chief Editor of Sophy Chen’s Translation World Yearbook, Reported in Italy & China 2023-11-03]


2023意大利帕那苏斯诗歌奖 2023-10-22日,在意大利西西里岛,阿格里真托(Agrigento),卡里卡帝市,卡里卡帝剧院成功颁发。来自意大利本土、中国、埃及、达吉斯坦、马其顿、摩洛哥、美国、英国、俄罗斯、印度等国300多位诗人、艺术家、学者、社会名流以及“帕那苏斯-安杰洛·拉·韦基亚” 诗歌研究院、联合国教科文组织、意大利文化部、达吉斯坦文化部、卡尼卡蒂市政府、意大利国家委员会、西西里世界文化遗产、雅典娜文化协会等部分领导出席了颁奖典礼!中国诗人、翻译家苏菲荣获意大利“帕那苏斯-安杰洛·拉·韦基亚”诗歌奖驻华大使殊荣并用英文发表获奖感言。世界各国诗人与诗人、翻译家苏菲同台领奖。作为文化交流,苏菲将苏菲世界诗歌奖 中意文化友谊奖颁发给意大利诗人。中国诗人、翻译家苏菲受到意大利政府媒体采访报道:意大利西西里岛报纸新闻中心现场采访。苏菲和各国与会诗人们亲切交流并互赠书籍和礼物。苏菲将自己翻译出版的汉英对照诗歌集《苏菲译 世界诗歌年鉴2021》、苏菲原创英汉双语诗歌集《枯萎的玫瑰》、苏菲翻译出版的英译诗集大藏汉语诗歌集《七弦琴的哀歌》等诗歌集赠送给出席的世界重要诗人和嘉宾。

2023 “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” was successfully awarded on 2023-10-22 at the Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy. More than 300 poets, artists, scholars, socialites from Italy, China, Egypt, Dagestan, Macedonia, Morocco, the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, India and other countries and some leaders of Academy of “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award”, UNESCO, the Italian Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Culture of Dagestan, the City of Canicati, the Italian National Commission, the Sicilian World Heritage, the Athena Cultural Association and other leaders attended the award ceremony. Chinese poet and translator Sophy Chen won the honor of being the Ambassador to China of the Italian “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” and made her acceptance speech in English. Poets from all over the world accepted the award with Sophy Chen, a poet and translator. As a cultural exchange, Sophy Chen Awarded Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards, Cultural Friendship Awards Of Italy-China to Italian poet. Chinese poet and translator Sophy Chen has been interviewed by Italian government media: Giornale Centro Sicilia (Newspaper Center Sicily). Sophy Chen exchanged books and gifts with the participating poets from various countries. Sophy Chen presented the collections of poems that she translated and published, including the Chinese-English poetry collection “Sophy Chen’s Translation World Poetry Yearbook 2021”, her original English-Chinese bilingual poetry collection “A Wizened Rose”, and Chinese poet Dazang Chen’s Chinese sonnets collection, The Elegy of the Lyre, translated into English and published by Sophy Chen to the world’s most important poets and guests.


苏菲受到意大利青少年诗人的热烈欢迎,被“帕那苏斯-安杰洛·拉·韦基亚” 诗歌研究院邀请作为国际诗人颁奖嘉宾给意大利青少年诗人颁奖。苏菲在帕那苏斯主办人、诗人卡洛杰罗·拉·韦基亚特别介绍引荐下,在台上用英语向在座诗人发表了英语演讲。

Sophy Chen was warmly welcomed by Italian young poets and was invited by Academy of “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” to present the award to Italian young poets as an international poet presenter. By the special introduction of the poet Calogero La Vecchia, the host of “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award”, Sophy Chen delivered a speech in English to the poets on the stage.



Chinese poet and translator Sophy Chen was warmly received by the Academy of “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” ! Sophy Chen stayed at the Italian Roman style hotel arranged by the academy. Sophy Chen was honored to be invited to his home by Professor Calogero La Vecchia, the famous Italian poet who hosted the “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award”. The poet Calogero La Vecchia personally cooked Italian food such as Italian Yellow Bread, Eggplant Spaghetti Pie, and Italian Espresso for Sophy Chen. And he also brought out some homemade Italian red wine that he has been saving for years.


“帕那苏斯-安杰洛·拉·韦基亚”诗歌研究院还专门安排苏菲一行游览了意大利西西里岛,阿格里真托(Agrigento)、“神殿之谷(Valle dei Templi/Valley of the Temples)”、卡塔尼亚海滩等重要意大利著名历史景点!

Academy of “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” specially arranged for Sophy Chen and her party to visit Sicily, the Valley of the Temples, Agrigento, Catania Beach and other important Italian famous historical attractions!




中国诗人翻译家苏菲正在台上接受所获意大利帕那苏斯诗歌奖驻华大使 奖牌证书
(意大利 西西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-22日 )

Chinese Poet and Translator Sophy Chen Getting “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” Ambassador’s Certificate Trophy of Italy on Stage(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-22)


中国诗人、翻译家苏菲所获意大利帕那苏斯诗歌奖驻华大使 奖牌证书
(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-22日 )

Chinese Poet and Translator Sophy Chen’s “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” Ambassador’s Certificate Trophy of “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” Ambassador of Italy to China
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-22)


意大利“帕那苏斯诗歌奖”发起人,主办人,诗人卡洛杰罗•拉•韦基亚教授向与会诗人,领导,嘉宾们隆重介绍了诗人、翻译家苏菲!诗人、考古学家盖太诺·奥雷洛教授(Gaetano Augello)分别用意大利语和中文专门为苏菲书写了长篇授奖词,并且用流利的意大利语和刚刚开始学习的生硬的中文向与会诗人、嘉宾,领导们逐词逐句宣读了长篇授奖词!苏菲在台上将自己英汉双语诗歌集《枯萎的玫瑰》、苏菲英译大藏汉语十四行集《七弦琴的哀歌》、《苏菲译 世界诗歌年鉴2021》等翻译出版诗歌集赠送给诗人、考古学家盖太诺·奥雷洛教授。诗人、考古学家盖太诺·奥雷洛教授还在台上亲自将自己的著作,考古学诗文集 “L’Accademia del Parnaso e la Poesia di Peppi Paci” 赠送给苏菲。

Professor Calogero La Vecchia, poet, host and founder of Italian “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award”, solemnly introduced the poet, translator Sophy Chen to the participating poets, leaders, guests. Professor Gaetano Augello, a poet and archaeologist, wrote a long award speech for Sophy Chen in Italian and Chinese respectively, and read the long award speech word by word to the participating poets, guests and leaders in fluent Italian and blunt Chinese, which he is just beginning to learn! On the stage, Sophy Chen presented her English and Chinese bilingual poetry collection “A Wizened Rose”, Sophy Chen’s English translation of poet Dazang Chen’s Chinese sonnets collection “The Elegy of The Lyre”, “Sophy Chen’s Translation World Poetry Yearbook 2021” and other translated and published poetry collections to poet and archaeologist Professor Gaetano Orello. Poet and archaeologist Gaetano Orellogio presented his book, "L 'Accademia del Parnaso e la Poesia di Peppi Paci," to Sophy Chen on stage.



As the Ambassador of the Italian “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award”, Sophy Chen was warmly welcomed by the poets, guests and leaders present! Sophy Chen also made her acceptance speech in English!



The Poet, Founder and Host of the “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” of Italy, Calogero La Vecchia, Introduced Sophy Chen on Stage!

(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-22日 )

Right: The Poet, Founder and Host of the “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” of Italy, Calogero La Vecchia is introducing Sophy Chen on Stage to his poets and guests of poets! Left: Sophy Chen, Chinese poet and translator
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-22)


左一:诗人、考古学家盖太诺·奥雷洛教授(Gaetano Augello)正在台上用流利的意大利语和刚刚开始学习的生硬的中文向与会诗人、嘉宾,领导们逐词逐句宣读写给苏菲的意大利帕那苏斯诗歌奖驻华大使长篇授奖词!大家看到了吧, 老先生手里的白纸,授奖词,手写体呀!左二:诗人、翻译家苏菲;右一:诗人卡洛杰罗·拉·韦基亚。
(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-22日 )

Left1: Professor Gaetano Augello, a poet and archaeologist, is reading the long award speech to the Ambassador of “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” of Italy” to Sophy Chen,  word by word, to the participating poets, guests and leaders in fluent Italian and blunt Chinese, which he has just begun to learn on the stage! Everyone can see it, the white paper in the hands of the elder man, the award word, in handwriting!Left 2:Poet and translator Sophy Chen. Right1:Poet Calogero La Vecchia. (Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-22)

左一:诗人、考古学家盖太诺·奥雷洛教授(Gaetano Augello)正在台上用流利的意大利语向与会诗人、嘉宾,领导们宣读写在自己诗文集“L’Accademia del Parnaso e la Poesia di Peppi Paci”扉页给苏菲的赠语! 左二:诗人、翻译家苏菲;右一:诗人卡洛杰罗·拉·韦基亚。
(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-22日)

Left 1: Professor Gaetano Augello, a poet and archaeologist, is reading his message to Sophy Chen on the title page of his poetry collection“L’Accademia del Parnaso e la Poesia di Peppi Paci”with fluent Italian to the poets and guests on stage! Left 2:Poet and translator Sophy Chen. Right1:Poet Calogero La Vecchia. 
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-22)



As the Ambassador of “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” of Italy, Sophy Chen was warmly welcomed by the poets, guests and leaders present! Sophy Chen also gave her acceptance speech in English!



Chinese poet and translator Sophy Chen won the honor of being the Ambassador to China of the “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” of Italy and gave her acceptance speech in English. 


[视频 Video1]
(意大利 西西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-22日 大藏 摄)

Chinese poet and translator Sophy Chen won the honor of being the Ambassador to China of the Italian “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” and made her acceptance speech in English. 
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-22)


(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-22日)

Right:Poet and Translator Sophy Chen Is Giving Her Award Acceptance Speech of Italy’s “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” Ambassador to China in English!
Left:Calogero La Vecchia
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-22)


Poets from all over the world accepted the award with Sophy Chen, a poet and translator.

(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-22日)
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-22)



Chinese Poet Dazang Chan won the 2023 “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” of Italy !
The Eyes’ Tastes won 2023 “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” of Italy !

(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-22日)

Middle:Chinese Poet Da Chan is accepting the award on the stage
Left2: Chinese poet and translator Sophy Chen is receiving the award on stage
Left1: Award presenter, Professor Gaetano Orello, Italian poet and archaeologist!
Right1: Professor Calogero La Vecchia, founder and host of “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” of Italy !
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-22)


作为文化交流,苏菲将苏菲世界诗歌奖 中意文化友谊奖颁发给意大利诗人。

As a cultural exchange, Sophy Chen Awarded Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards, Cultural Friendship Awards Of Italy-China to Italian poet. 


苏菲在意大利西西里岛,阿格里真托,卡里卡帝剧院将2023 苏菲世界诗歌奖 中意文化友谊奖授予意大利著名诗人卡洛杰罗·拉·韦基亚。中国诗人大藏、意大利诗人、考古学家盖太诺·奥雷洛教授同台颁发!

Sophy Chen awarded 2023 Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards, Cultural Friendship Awards Of Italy-China to Italian poet Calogello La Vecchia at the Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy. Chinese poet Dazang Chen and Professor Gaetano Orello, Italian poet and archaeologist, are presenting the award on stage.


左二:中国诗人翻译家苏菲正在台上将苏菲世界诗歌奖 中意文化友谊奖颁发给意大利诗人卡洛杰罗·拉·韦基亚
右一:意大利诗人卡洛杰罗·拉·韦基亚正在接受苏菲世界诗歌奖 中意文化友谊奖
(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-22日)

Left2: Chinese poet and translator Sophy Chen is presenting Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards, Cultural Friendship Awards Of Italy-China to Italian poet Calogero La Vecchia on stage
Right2: Chinese poet Da Zang Chen is presenting the award on stage
Left1: Professor Gaetano Orello, Italian poet and archaeologist, is presenting the award on stage
Right1: Italian poet Calogello La Vecchia is receiving Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards, Cultural Friendship Awards Of Italy-China
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-22)



Chinese poet and translator Sophy Chen has been interviewed by Italian government media! Giornale Centro Sicilia (Newspaper Center Sicily) interviewed poet and translator Sophy Chen.


左1: 意大利语翻译、左2: 苏菲用英语接受媒体现场采访、左3:怕拉苏斯诗歌奖发起人,主办人,诗人卡洛杰罗•拉•韦基亚教授、左4: 西西里岛报纸新闻中心记者、左5: 正在拍摄视频者:卡尼卡蒂市市长
(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-22日  大藏 摄)

Left 1: Translator in Italian; left 2: Sophy Chen is receiving an interview in English to the media; left 3: Professor Calogero La Vecchia, a poet, the founder and host of “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” of Italy; left 4: Journalist of the Giornale Centro Sicilia (Newspaper Center Sicily); left 5: filming the video: Mayor of Canicati
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-22)


[视频 Video2]

Chinese poet and translator Sophy Chen received an Italian-English interview to local media in Sicily, Italy! Interview with the Giornale Centro Sicilia (Newspaper Center Sicily):


It's amazing. In Italy, the mayor respects culture so much! For the first time, I really feel the complete difference between Chinese and Western culture!



(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-22日 大藏 摄)

Left 1: Translator in Italian; left 2: poet and translator Sophy Chen; left 3: Italian poet Calogero La Vecchia; left 4: Mayor of Canicati; left 5: Journalist of the Giornale Centro Sicilia (Newspaper Center Sicily)
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-22)



Sophy Chen exchanged books and gifts and took photos with the participating poets from all over the world! Sophy Chen presented her Chinese-English poetry collections, which she translated and published, to the world important poets and guests.

苏菲将自己翻译出版的汉英对照诗歌集赠送给意大利怕拉苏斯诗歌奖发起人,主办人,诗人卡洛杰罗•拉•韦基亚,这些书籍分别是:苏菲英汉双语诗歌集《枯萎的玫瑰》、苏菲英译大藏汉语十四行集《七弦琴的哀歌》、《苏菲译·世界诗歌年鉴2021卷》、苏菲英译眼睛的味道诗歌集《从眼睛的味道中找到你的美》、《2019苏菲世界诗歌奖& PENTASI B 中国世界诗歌节 诗全集》、《苏菲诗歌&翻译》英汉世界纸质诗刊等。

Sophy Chen presented her translated and published Chinese-English poetry collections to the poet Calogero La Vecchia, the founder and host of “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” of Italy, including, Sophy Chen’s English-Chinese bilingual poetry collection “A Wizened Rose”, Sophy Chen’s English translation of Dazang Chen’s Chinese sonnets “The Elegy of the Lyre”, “Sophy Chen’s Translation-World Poetry Yearbook 2021”, Sophy Chen’s English translation of poetry collection “I Find Your Beauty in the Taste of Your Eyes” by Eyes’ Taste, the Complete Poems of 2019 Sophy World Poetry Award & PENTASI B China World Poetry Festival, and “Sophy Poetry & Translation” E-C World Poetry Paper Magazine, etc.


(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-22日 大藏 摄)

Left: Chinese poet and translator Sophy Chen
Right: Italian poet Calogero La Vecchia, the host and founder of “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award”
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-22)



The poet and translator Sophy Chen, is taking photos with Professor Gaetano Augello, an Italian poet and archaeologist and Italain poet Calogero La Vecchia. 


(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-22日 大藏 摄)

Left: poet and translator Sophy Chen; middle:Professor Gaetano Augello, poet and archaeologist
right: poet Calogero La Vecchia
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-22)


意大利帕那苏斯诗歌奖主办人、诗人卡洛杰罗·拉·维基亚专门为苏菲引荐了卡尼卡蒂市市长。在诗人卡洛杰罗·拉·维基亚的引荐下,当苏菲递给卡尼卡蒂市市长《苏菲译·世界诗歌年鉴2021卷》(汉英对照)纸质版时说:“我亲爱的市长,这是给你的! ” 他一开始有点困惑,当诗人卡洛杰罗指着书的封面说:“这是国际的,63个国家!”他的眼睛突然亮了起来,好似哥伦布亲眼发现了一块新大陆……卡尼卡蒂市市长双手捧着《苏菲译·世界诗歌年鉴2021卷》(汉英对照)纸质版,那眼神,苏菲一辈子都记忆犹新!我当时就感慨,意大利之所以是文艺复兴的发祥地,今天终于亲自见识了,从这位市长的眼神里见识了!眼睛是心灵的窗户,它最有发言权,那瞬间的眼神代表着一位普通读者(或者一位意大利政府官员)对诗歌、对诗人的尊重,不需要任何语言,一切语言都是多余的!

The poet Calogero La Vecchia, the host of the “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” of Italy, introduced the mayor of Canicati to Sophy Chen.Introduced by the poet Calogero La Vecchia, when Sophy Chen handed the mayor of Canicatti, the paper version of the Sophy Chen’s Translation World Poetry Yearbook 2021 (C-E Bilingual) and said: “My mayor, this is for you!” He was a little bit puzzled at first, when poet Calogero showed him the cover of book and said: “this is international, 63 nations”, his eyes were bright suddenly, as if he was found a new land in his own eyes.... When the mayor of Canicatti held the paper edition of Sophy Chen’s Translation World Poetry Yearbook 2021 (C-E Bilingual) in his hands, his eyes looked like Columbus had discovered a new continent! Sophy Chen, me, remembers it all my life! At that time, I felt that Italy was the birthplace of the Renaissance, and today I finally see it for myself, from the mayor’s eyes! The eyes are the windows of the soul, they are the most voice, that instant eyes represent an ordinary reader (or an Italian government official) who respects for poetry, for the poet, we do not need any languages, and all languages are superfluous!


左:苏菲正在给卡尼卡蒂市市长介绍自己翻译主编的诗歌集《苏菲译 世界诗歌年鉴2021》,苏菲说:“我亲爱的市长,这是给你的! ”;中:卡尼卡蒂市市长(有点不知所措的样子);右:诗人卡洛杰罗·拉·维基亚(正在看该书的封面)
(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-22日 大藏 摄)

Left: Sophy Chen said: “My dear mayor, this is for you!” as she presented her translated and edited poetry collection Sophy Chen’s Translation-World Poetry Yearbook 2021 to the Mayor of Canicatti; Middle: Mayor of Canicatti (looking a little overwhelmed); Right: poet Calogero La Vecchia(reading the cover of the book)
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-22)


左:苏菲;中:卡尼卡蒂市市长;右:诗人卡洛杰罗·拉·维基亚,正在给卡尼卡蒂市市长介绍苏菲翻译主编的诗歌集《苏菲译 世界诗歌年鉴2021》,他说:“这是国际的,63个国家!”
(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-21日 大藏 摄)

Left: Sophy Chen; Middle: the Mayor of Canicatti; right: poet Calogero La Vecchia said: “This is international, 63 nations!” as he introduced the poetry collection “Sophy Chen’s Translation-World Poetry Yearbook 2021” translated and edited by Sophy Chen to mayor of Canicatti.
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-21)


左:苏菲在听诗人卡洛杰罗的解说;中:卡尼卡蒂市市长,听了卡洛杰罗的解说(“这是国际的,63个国家!”),眼睛突然亮了起来! 右:诗人卡洛杰罗·拉·维基亚(正在看苏菲翻译主编的诗歌集《苏菲译 世界诗歌年鉴2021》内页).
(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-21日 大藏 摄)

Left: Sophy Chen, listening to poet Calogero’s commentary; Middle: The mayor of Canicatti, listening to poet Calogero’s commentary (“ This is international, 63 nations!” ), his eyes suddenly lit up! Right: poet Calogero La Vecchia (Reading the inside pages of Sophy Chen’s Translation-World Poetry Yearbook 2021, a poetry collection translated and edited by Sophy Chen).
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-21)


(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-21日 大藏 摄)

Left: Sophy Chen is holding two books in her hands! Middle: The mayor of Canicatti, the look of joy, is it like Columbus discovered a new continent? ... Sophy Chen’s book in his hands, this look! How handsome! Right: poet Calogero La Vecchia
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-21)


苏菲将自己翻译出版的汉英对照诗歌集《苏菲译 世界诗歌年鉴2021》、苏菲原创英汉双语诗歌集《枯萎的玫瑰》、苏菲翻译出版的英译诗集大藏汉语诗歌集《七弦琴的哀歌》等诗歌集赠送给出席的世界重要诗人和嘉宾。

Sophy Chen presented the collections of poems that she translated and published, including the Chinese-English poetry collection “Sophy Chen’s Translation World Poetry Yearbook 2021”, her original English-Chinese bilingual poetry collection “A Wizened Rose”, and Chinese poet Dazang Chen’s Chinese sonnets collection, The Elegy of the Lyre, translated into English and published by Sophy Chen to the most important poets and guests of world.


(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-21日)
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-21)


(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-21日)
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-21)


(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-21日)
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-21)


(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-21日)
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-21)


Sophy Chen was invited to present the award to Italian young poets as an international poet presenter. 

苏菲受到意大利青少年诗人的热烈欢迎,被“帕那苏斯-安杰洛•拉•韦基亚” 诗歌研究院邀请作为国际诗人颁奖嘉宾给意大利青少年诗人颁奖。苏菲在帕拉苏斯主办人、诗人卡洛杰罗•拉•韦基亚特别介绍引荐下,在台上用英语向在座诗人发表了英语演讲。

Sophy Chen was warmly welcomed by Italian young poets and was invited by Academy of “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” to present the award to Italian young poets as an international poet presenter. By the special introduction of the poet Calogero La Vecchia, the host of “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award”, Sophy Chen delivered a speech in English to the poets present on the stage.


(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-21日)

Sophy Chen is giving an English speech in English to the poets on the stage
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-21)


(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-21日 大藏 摄)

Full photo of “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” ceremony in Italy
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-21)


Sophy Chen had a happy moment on stage with the poet Calogero La Vecchia, the host of “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award”

(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-21日)

Left: poet and translator Sophy Chen; right: poet Calogero La Vecchia
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-21)



Sophy Chen is presenting the award to Italian young poets as an international poet presenter. 


Sophy Chen is presenting the award to Italian young poets as an international poet presenter. 

(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-21日)
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-21)


Sophy Chen is presenting the award to Italian young poets as an international poet presenter. 

(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-21日)
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-21)


Sophy Chen is presenting the award to Italian young poets as an international poet presenter. 

(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-21日)
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-21)


Sophy Chen is presenting the award to Italian young poets as an international poet presenter. 

(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-21日)
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-21)


Full photo of “Il Parnaso –Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” ceremony in Italy: Sophy Chen and Dazang Chen are sitting in front of row !

(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-21日)
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-21)


意大利帕那苏斯诗歌奖颁奖典礼  卡里卡帝剧院一瞥
Full photo of Canicatti Theater of “Il Parnaso–Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” ceremony in Italy

(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡里卡帝剧院 2023-10-21日)
(Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Agrigento, Italy 2023-10-21)


Chinese poet and translator Sophy Chen was warmly received by the Academy of “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” !


First Day: Welcome Lunch

The poet Calogero La Vecchia, the host of “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” is introducing the sea fish of Italy to Sophy Chen 

Left:the poet Calogero La Vecchia; right: poet and translator Sophy Chen 

(意大利 西里岛 卡里卡帝剧院附近西餐厅 2023-10-21日 大藏 摄)
(a western restaurant, near Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Italy 2023-10-21)


第一天的欢迎午宴 合影
Full photo of first day welcome lunch

(意大利 西里岛 卡里卡帝剧院附近西餐厅 2023-10-21日 )
(a western restaurant, near Canicatti Theater, Sicily, Italy 2023-10-21)



Sophy Chen stayed at the Italian Roman style hotel arranged by the academy. It is located in Agrigento, Sicily, Italy. 


苏菲在意大利古罗马风格酒店里手捧《苏菲译 世界诗歌年鉴2021》砖头巨书呀!
Sophy Chen, holding the “Sophy Chen’s Translation-World Poetry Yearbook 2021”, the brick like giant book in the Italian ancient Roman style hotel!

(意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 2023-10-21日 )
(in Agrigento, Sicily, Italy 2023-10-21)



Sophy Chen was honored to be invited to his home by Professor Calogero La Vecchia, the famous Italian poet who hosted the “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award”. The poet Calogero La Vecchia personally cooked Italian food such as Italian Yellow Bread, Eggplant Spaghetti Pie, and Italian Espresso for Sophy Chen. And he also brought out some homemade Italian red wine that he has been saving for years.


Sophy Chen is at the home of the poet Calogero la Vecchia


Italian Yellow Bread

It hasn't been served to people on the table yet, and two big poets have eaten it secretly in the kitchen! Ah! It tastes so good!


Sophy and Gero are enjoying Gero’s homemade Italian Yellow Bread!

[右:诗人翻译家苏菲。左:诗人卡洛杰罗 意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡洛杰罗家里 2023-10-22日 大藏 摄]

[Right: poet and translator Sophy Chen; left:poet Calogero la Vecchia at home of Gero, in Agrigento, Sicily, Italy 2023-10-22]



Gero said I prepared yellow bread with corn and saffron. I also made an eggless mayonnaise with milk and mustard that was put on bread. 


Eggplant Spaghetti Pie

Sophy Chen, me is so honored that I have been waiting years for my great poet Calogero to cook to me, and it’s finally come true! Now I’m taking the Eggplant Spaghetti Pie that Calogero made!


Sophy Chen and the hold Calogero are cutting the Eggplant Spaghetti Pie that he made for Sophy Chen!

[右:诗人翻译家苏菲。左:诗人卡洛杰罗。意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡洛杰罗家里 2023-10-22日 大藏 摄]
[Right: poet and translator Sophy Chen; left:poet Calogero la Vecchia at home of Gero, in Agrigento, Sicily, Italy 2023-10-22]



Eggplant Spaghetti Pie ah, I think you will like, to eat such Italian spaghetti for the first time, is too different, if I do not go to Italy, I think I can not think Italian people cook this kind of spaghetti! Chinese people understand the Italian noodles are long strips! Calogero later told me that it was made in the oven with pork loin and artichoke cream.


[视频 Video3]
The famous Italian poet Calogero la Vecchia is making an Eggplant Spaghetti Pie for Sophy Chen at home.


[意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡洛杰罗家里 2023-10-22日]
[at home of Gero, in Agrigento, Sicily, Italy 2023-10-22]




接下来那必定是意大利美食文化的另一种象征:意大利浓缩咖啡。和意大利诗人接触交流得知,意大利人平均每天喝3-7杯咖啡是很平常的。这个也是意大利人生活的标配!早晨一杯咖啡,小小一块美丽精巧的小点心,就一顿饭了呀!难怪意大利咖啡bar到处都是呀!喝了大诗人卡洛杰罗•拉•韦基亚亲手做的咖啡,才知道,这辈子之前喝的都不叫咖啡呀!后来卡洛杰罗如是说:这种咖啡是一种浓缩咖啡,在煮咖啡之前,用家用机器把水压到咖啡粉上。正如他厨房里的咖啡机上的单词espresso 所示:意大利语,翻译成汉语:意大利浓缩咖啡。

Next it must be another symbol of Italian food culture: espresso. According to Italian poets, it is common for Italians to drink an average of 3-7 cups of coffee a day. This is also a standard part of Italian life! In the morning, a cup of coffee, a small piece of beautiful and delicate snacks, just a breakfast! No wonder Italian coffee bars are everywhere! After drinking the coffee made by my great poet Calogero La Vecchia himself, I knew that what I drank before this life was not called coffee! 
Calogero later told me that the coffee is an espresso made with a home machine that pressurizes water onto the ground coffee right before you make it. As the word espresso on the coffee machine in his kitchen indicates: Italian, translated into Chinese: Italian espresso.


[视频 Video 4]
The famous Italian poet Calogero la Vecchia is making espresso for Sophy Chen at home!
Sophy Chen is tasting an espresso made by the famous Italian poet Calogero La Vecchia!

[意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡洛杰罗家里 2023-10-22日]
[at home of Gero, in Agrigento, Sicily, Italy 2023-10-22]


Our host, poet Calogero La Vecchia, brought out some homemade Italian red wine that he has been saving for years !


Homemade Wine of Italy


Two people eating is not interesting, the poet Calogero invited his brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces and other relatives to have dinner together ah!


The wine bottle in the middle of the table with no label: homemade wine of Italy

[意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡洛杰罗家里 2023-10-22日]
[at home of Gero, in Agrigento, Sicily, Italy 2023-10-22]

看到了吧!大家杯子里的红酒,这可不是一般的红酒呀!这是家里自制的红酒呀!就好比,苏菲老家人自己烤的包谷酒一个道理吧!纯手工的,非工业制造吧!那味道,只有品尝到才知道它的与众不同吧!提到这酒,有个有趣的点,和大家说说,也特有趣的,其实卡洛杰罗亲自下厨宴请苏菲2天,第一天喝了这个酒酒,第二天喝的另一种酒,如果不是我好奇问了大家,我根本不知道这个是自制的酒。我突然发现第二天和第一天喝的酒味道有些不同!就特别好奇,就条件反射说:“呀,感觉昨天那个酒特别好喝”,卡洛杰罗马上笑笑嘻嘻的拿出昨天剩下的半瓶酒,我才发现,那个酒瓶和今天的不同,瓶子上没有贴任何商标文字。就一个透明的酒瓶,我好奇的问:“难道这个是自制的吗!”大家都说:“yes!”。这个要提下,我是不会喝酒的人,只有喝红酒的时候,陪着诗人意思一点儿!竟然能品尝出红酒的不同,也就奇怪了呀!后来卡洛杰罗说:这种酒是家族企业的自制酒。使用的葡萄酒品种是“nero d’avola”,是西西里岛特有的品种。

You see! The red wine in people’s glass, this is not ordinary red wine! This is homemade wine! Just like, the corn wine made by people’s own hands in hometown of Sophy Chen! Pure manual, non-industrial manufacturing! The taste, only when you taste you’ll know it’s different! Here there is an interesting thing about this wine, and I’ll tell you, it’s really interesting, in fact, Calogero himself invited dinner to Sophy, me for two days, and I drank this wine on the first day, and drank another wine on the second day, if I had not been curious to ask him, I would not have known that this was a homemade wine. Because I suddenly noticed that the wine I drank the next day tasted a little different from the first day! On the special curiosity, on the conditioned reflex, I said: “ah, I feel that yesterday’s wine is particularly good”, Gero smiled and immediately took out the remaining half bottle of wine yesterday, I found that the bottle is different from the bottle of today, and the bottle did not stick any trademark words. Just a transparent wine bottle, I wondered: “ is this homemade?!” Everyone said: “yes!”. This I’ll mention, I am not a person who can drink more wine, only drink red wine to accompany poets a little! How strange it is to be able to taste the difference in wine! Later Gero told me: This wine is the family business homemade wine. The wine variety used is “nero d 'Avola”, which is unique to Sicily.


Photo after Dinner

[意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡洛杰罗家里 2023-10-22日]
[at home of Gero, in Agrigento, Sicily, Italy 2023-10-22]


After dinner take group photos and give poetry collections to each other!


Look how much foreign poets love Chinese poetry awards! Just look at the placement of the Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards!

[右:诗人翻译家苏菲。中:诗人卡洛杰罗。左:中国诗人大藏  意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡洛杰罗家里 2023-10-22日]

[Right: poet and translator Sophy Chen; middle: poet Calogero; left: Chinese poet Dazang Chen, at home of Gero, in Agrigento, Sicily, Italy 2023-10-22]


The poet Calogero presented Sophy Chen with the poetry collections published by him and the selected poems of“Il Parnaso–Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award”in their hands!

意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托卡洛杰罗家里 2023-10-22日]
[Left: poet and translator Sophy Chen; right: poet Calogero, at home of Gero, in Agrigento, Sicily, Italy 2023-10-22]


And, we can't miss the Calogero la Vecchia's kitchen here!


It's more of an art museum than Calogero's home! It’s first time in Italy, first time to visit an Italian home, an Italian poet’s home! What an eye-opener!


Calogero la Vecchia's cookware! Have you seen it!

[意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡洛杰罗家里 2023-10-22日]
[at home of Gero, in Agrigento, Sicily, Italy 2023-10-22]


Let’s take a look at Calogero's home refrigerator!


Calogero's home refrigerator! Is it the same with yours!

[意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托 卡洛杰罗家里 2023-10-22日]
[at home of Gero, in Agrigento, Sicily, Italy 2023-10-22]


“帕那苏斯-安杰洛•拉•韦基亚”诗歌研究院还专门安排苏菲一行游览了意大利西西里岛,阿格里真托(Agrigento)、“神殿之谷(Valle dei Templi/Valley of the Temples)”、卡塔尼亚海滩等重要意大利著名历史景点!

Academy of “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia Award” specially arranged for Sophy Chen and her party to visit Sicily, the Valley of the Temples, Agrigento, Catania Beach and other important Italian famous historical attractions!


“阿格里真托神殿之谷考古景观公园(Parco archeologico e paesaggistico della Valle dei Templi di Agrigento)”


The Entrance of Valle dei Templi/Valley of the Temples


Gemini Temple(Tempio di Castore e Polluce)


先看到的是“卡斯托莱和波卢切神庙 (Tempio di Castore e Polluce)”,又名“狄俄斯库里神庙(Tempio di Dioscuri)”,建于公元前5世纪中叶。两千多年历史的石块在经历数次地震后散落一地,只有几根廊柱依然顽强地矗立在那里。

The first to be seen is the Temple of Tempio di Castore e Polluce, also known as the Temple of Tempio di Dioscuri, built in the mid-5th century BC. Stones more than 2,000 years old have been scattered after several earthquakes, and only a few colonnade columns still stand tenaciously.


Temple of Juno(Tempio di Giunone)



The sun is too strong to open our eyes! The temple of Juno was built in the fifth century BC and was originally dedicated to the goddess Hera. Later it is used for a wedding!



协和神庙(Temple of Concordia)


协和神殿是目前保存最完好的神殿呀!是现存最壮观的希腊文明遗址之一。协和神庙(Temple of Concordia)联合国教科文组织的标志来源。协和神庙建于公元前440-430年间,是神殿之谷中保存最为完好的神殿,也是除帕特农神庙外,世界上保存最完好的多立克式神庙。

Temple of Concordia is the temple that has been preserved at present! It's one of the most spectacular sites of Greek civilization in existence. The Temple of Concordia is the source of UNESCO's symbol. The Temple of Concordia built between 440 and 430 BC, is the best preserved temple in the Valley of the Temples and the best preserved Doric temple in the world, with the exception of the Parthenon.


The poet Sophy Chen and the poet are in front of the Temple of Concordia
(How brightly similes of our poet Dazang Chen ! Yes! Poets should go around more!)

[意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托  神殿谷 2023-10-23日]
[in the Valley of the Temples, in Agrigento, Sicily, Italy 2023-10-23]


赫拉克勒斯神庙(Temple of Heracles)


诗人苏菲和诗人大藏在赫拉克勒斯神庙(Temple of Heracles)神殿前
The poet Sophy Chen and the poet Dazang Chen are in front of the Temple of Heracles

[意大利 西里岛 阿格里真托  神殿谷 2023-10-23日]
[in the Valley of the Temples, in Agrigento, Sicily, Italy 2023-10-23]




Last stop in Catania, in Italy. Tonight we will fly directly from here to Guangzhou via Rome, Italy - Chongqing! To see such a wide blue sea, I can’t say how I was excited this time! We took a bus from the city center. This time I went to Italy and experienced a lot of different things from China. Taxis are largely absent from Italian streets. We can only go to seaside by bus!


The Beach Catania


The poet Sophy Chen and the Poet Dazang Chen are on a beach near Catania

[意大利 西里岛 卡塔尼亚海滩 2023-10-26日]
[Catania Beach, Sicily, Italy 2023-10-26]


[视频 Video5]:
[意大利 西里岛 卡塔尼亚海滩 2023-10-26日]
The poet Sophy Chen is introducing this Italian poetry tour on the beach near Catania, Italy.
[Catania Beach, Sicily, Italy 2023-10-26]



sophychen logo - ©Translated by Sophy Chen©Translated by Sophy Chen
翻译版权所有 侵权必究


Sophy Poetry & Translation纸刊《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉双语)世界诗刊 常年征稿
"Sophy Poetry & Translation" (E-C) Magazine Needs Poems All Years
联系微信: sophypoetry3,478674384
a good poem or more poems, bio in 100words, send to
E-mail: xisusophy@163.com(overseas)

PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival And Sophy Chen World Poetry Award苏菲世界诗歌博物馆常年征集中外诗人诗集/作品集/艺术作品
Sophy World Poetry Museum Collecting Chinese And Foreign Poets Books / Poetry Collections All Years

联系微信: sophypoetry2, 478674384
E-mail: xisusophy@163.com(overseas)



sophychen logo - ©Translated by Sophy Chen©Translated by Sophy Chen
翻译版权所有 侵权必究





[ 法律顾问:李刚 ]



