《苏菲诗歌&翻译》 英汉纸质世界诗刊第1期创刊号已印刷出版(附目录及征稿启事)ISSN:2616-2660


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SOPHY POETRY & TRANSLATION E-C World Poetry Magazine Volume 1
《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉双语)世界诗刊 创刊号

Sophy Mobile 苏菲手机:0086 18201007874
Alipay 支付宝:18201007874




“Sophy Poetry & Translation” (E-C) International Magazine


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《苏菲诗歌&翻译》 英汉双语杂志 总第 1 期 创刊号已印刷出版

创办者:陈丽华/ 苏 菲



1.4页封面 Four Covers

《苏菲诗歌&翻译》 英汉双语杂志 总第 1 期 创刊号封面 Front Cover 封面

《苏菲诗歌&翻译》 英汉双语杂志 总第 1 期 创刊号封二头条诗人大藏

Second Cover 封二

《苏菲诗歌&翻译》 英汉双语杂志 总第 1 期 创刊号封三国际书画

Third Cover封三

《苏菲诗歌&翻译》 英汉双语杂志 总第 1 期 创刊号封底 苏菲世界诗人联谊

Back Cover 封底


2. 版权 Copy Right

《苏菲诗歌&翻译》 英汉双语杂志 总第 1 期 创刊号 版权页

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3. 目录 Contents

《苏菲诗歌&翻译》 英汉双语杂志 总第 1 期 创刊号 目录页1

目录页1 Contents page 1

《苏菲诗歌&翻译》 英汉双语杂志 总第 1 期 创刊号 目录页2

目录页2 Contents page 2


Contents 目录 

Preface 卷首语 01
Congratulations & Blessing 创刊贺词 02
Cover Poet 封面诗人
[Philippines] DOC PENPEN 3 Poems [菲律宾] 朋朋博士的诗3首 …a flower 06
Headline Poetry News 头条诗歌新闻    
苏菲 2018 PENTASI B 世界杰出诗人提名       09
PENTASI B 联谊会 2019中国世界世系诗歌节即将来袭!     09
Sophy Poetry (E-C-C-E) 苏菲诗歌(英汉-汉英)
In These Three Days, I Don’t Want to Do Anything  这三天,啥也不想干       12
Faced with Terrorism, Poetry Is Nothings’ Nothing 面对恐怖主义,诗歌是一无是处的是处 12
Mother Tongue Complex 母语情结         12
Tuberose 《晚香玉》                              13
ABOUT SOPHY CHEN 苏菲简介        13
International Poets 国际诗人    
[USA]Ronald J Chapman 3 Poems [美国]罗纳德•詹姆斯•查普曼 3首--- Butterflies (苏菲汉译)   14
[Canada]Ashok Bhargava 3 Poems [加拿大]阿诗欧克 K•巴嘎瓦  3首--- Morning Serenade(苏菲汉译)   15
[India]Shailesh Veer 2 Poems [印度]沙雷斯•维尔 2首 --- I WILL WAIT 我会等(苏菲汉译)  16
[Pakistan] Muhammad Khalid Khan 2 poems [巴基斯坦]默罕默德•哈立德汗 2首--Innocent Wishes(苏菲汉译) 16
[Egypt]George Onsy 3 Poems [埃及]乔治•昂斯 3首 --- YOU ARE LOVE (苏菲汉译)   17
[India]Vishnu Pandya 3 poems [印度]毗湿奴•潘地亚 3首 --- I M WITH YOU..(苏菲汉译) 18
[Poland]Anna Banasiak 3 poems [波兰]安娜•巴纳西亚克 3首 --- Masquerade (苏菲汉译)   18
[法国]方明 1首 [Frence]Fang Ming 1 poem  ---巴黎 哭泣(Tr. Sophy Chen) 19
[美国]文超尘 4首[USA]Wen Chaochen 4 Poems --- 66亿216千万年的孤独 (Tr. Sophy Chen)    20
Chinese Poets 中国诗人
[广东]陈陟云 1首 [Guangdong]Chen Zhiyun 1 Poem ---茶马古道   21
[贵州]郭思思 2首 [Guizhou]Guo Sisi 2 Poems ---九月的舞蹈        21
[上海]余志成 1首 [Shanghai]Yu Zhicheng 1 poem ---题一杆双筒猎枪   22
[广东]郭锦生 3首 [Guangdong]Guo Jinsheng 3 Poems ---中秋独照      23
[广东]李立 3首 [Guangdong]Li Li 3 Poems ---在悉尼湾    24
[北京]老巢 1首 [Beijing]Lao Cao 1 Poem ---我像是遇见了另一个自己      25
[山西]贾晋蜀 3首 [Shanxi]Jia Jinshu Poems 3 Poems ---我是最低的木片     25
[广东]李晃 3首 [Guangdong]Lihuang 3 Poems ---遥寄洛夫   26
[湖南]起伦 3首 [Hunan]Qilun 3 Poems ---空镜头  27
[广东]张红霞 1首 [Guangdong]Zhang Hongxia 1 Poem ---最后一个童话   27
[云南]蓝雪儿 1首 [Yuanlan]Blue Cher 1 Poem ---古盐井    28
[江苏]月色江河 1首 [Jiangsu]Yuese Jianghe 1 Poem ---桑园路    28
[吉林]冯冯 1首 [Jilin]Feng Feng 1 poem ---春天,让我重回人间   28
[吉林]孙颖 3首 [Jilin]Sun Ying  3 Poems ----一片枯叶 29
[湖北]宋星明 3首 [Hubei]Song Xingming 3 Poems ---一种蚕   29
[广东]邱宇林 3首 [Guangdong]Qiu Yulin 3 Poems ---爱与被爱 30
[山东]心蝶 3首 [Shandong]Xindie 3 Poems ---环翠楼     30
[四川] 绿袖子 2首 [Sichuan] Green Sleeves 2 Poems ---桃花是夜里另一条河流      31
[浙江]阿成 2首[Zhejiang]A-Cheng 2 Poems ---一只羊面朝大海    32
[湖北]王永华 1首 [Hubei]Wang Yonghua 1 poem ---霍金与一位诗人的联想 33
[贵州] 天籁之音 2首 [Guizhou] Nature Voice 2 Poems ---红豆红•七夕    33
[甘肃] 包容冰 1首 [Gansu] Bao Rongbing 1 Poem ---胡麻花开的时候你一定要回家 34
[山东] 张驰 2首 [Shandong] Zhang Chi 2 Poems ---小镇  35
[山东]王宏雷 散文诗2章 [Shandong]Wang Honglei 2 Prose Poems ---花径     36
Poets Columns 诗人专栏    
[江苏]胭脂茉莉 8首 [Jiangsu] Rouge Jasmine 8 Poems ---仲夏夜之梦    37
[广东]子午 组诗 [Guangdong] Zi Wu, a Group of Poems ---新世纪的第一场雪(组诗)  39
[中国]康桥 组诗 [China] Kuang Qiao, a Group of Poems ---黄河(组诗)     41
[山东]散皮 4首 [Shandong] SanPi 4 Poems ---镜子里的影像谋杀了我    43
[江西]湖拮 7首 [Jiangxi] Hujie 7 Poems ---有这么一个春天就够了     44
[北京]张鹏飞 5首 [Beijing] Zhang Pengfei  5 Poems ---让我们一起去土右旗   46
[山东]田宇 组诗 [Shandong] Tian Yu Poems Series ---你比蝴蝶还可爱(组诗)     48
Translation Review 翻译评论   
[中国]苏菲:对中国汉语十四行诗的一点看法   50
[China]Sophy Chen: Viewpoint on Chinese Fourteen Lines Poems     50
Poetry Review 诗歌评论
[Philippines]Ed Cordevilla: Doc Penpen’s Universal Family: Pentasi B World     53
[菲律宾]埃德温•科德维拉:朋朋博士的世界大家族:Pentasi B 世界(Tr. Sophy Chen)   53
International Poetry News 国际诗讯
加纳共和国致一位菲律宾诗人的殊荣,朋朋博士“视觉诗歌之父”奖  54
India declares a Filipino as‘King of Visual Poetry’    56
印度宣布一位菲律宾人为“视觉诗歌之王”   56
Chinese Poetess Sophy Chen’s Original English Sonnets Collection TUBEROSE Published in American Amazon     59
苏菲原创英语十四行诗集《晚香玉》在美国亚马逊英语图书网全球公开发行    59
Poems Contribution 诗歌征稿启事
Global Notice to Contributors and Booking of “Sophy Poetry & Translation” Magazine (C-E)   60
《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉对照)杂志全球稿约、预订公开函   60
翻译家苏菲全球翻译收费最低标准公告      63
Minimum Standard of Translator Sophy Chen’s Translation Fee   63
Sophy Chen Translated Poems Global Promotion Line    66
苏菲国际诗歌翻译推广路线图       66
International Painters & Calligraphers  国际书画 
 [Egypt]George Onsy    [埃及]乔治•昂斯     Third Cover  封三
Front Cover                                                  封面 
Poet, Doc Penpen, the Father of Visual Poetry   视觉诗歌之父 诗人朋朋博士
Headline Poet  Second Cover 头条诗人  封二 
[浙江]大藏2首 [Zhejiang]Dazang 2 Poems
Back Cover                                                  封底      
[China]Sophy Chen  Sophy World Poets Friendship    [中国]苏菲 苏菲世界诗人联谊


4. 内页 pages
卷首语,《苏菲诗歌&翻译》 英汉双语杂志 总第 1 期 创刊号 Preface VOLUME 1 卷首语 创刊贺词,《苏菲诗歌&翻译》 英汉双语杂志 总第 1 期 创刊号
Congratulations & Blessing 创刊贺词 封面诗人朋朋博士,《苏菲诗歌&翻译》 英汉双语杂志 总第 1 期 创刊号 Cover Poet 封面诗人 头条诗歌新闻《苏菲诗歌&翻译》 英汉双语杂志 总第 1 期 创刊号
Headline Poetry News 头条诗歌新闻苏菲英汉诗歌 《苏菲诗歌&翻译》 英汉双语杂志 总第 1 期 创刊号
Sophy Poetry (E-C-C-E) 苏菲诗歌(英汉-汉英)
国际诗人 《苏菲诗歌&翻译》 英汉双语杂志 总第 1 期 创刊号
International Poets 国际诗人
中国诗人 《苏菲诗歌&翻译》 英汉双语杂志 总第 1 期 创刊号
Chinese Poets 中国诗人
诗人专栏 《苏菲诗歌&翻译》 英汉双语杂志 总第 1 期 创刊号 Poets Columns 诗人专栏  


《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉双语)国际期刊 创刊号由翻译家苏菲Sophy Chen独立翻译





一、《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉对照)期刊由翻译家苏菲Sophy Chen独立翻译(或组织多语种翻译家共同)完成;
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微信: 18201007874


杂志订阅 Magazine Sales
(创刊号少量库存,订阅从速!  welcome to buy!) :

SOPHY POETRY & TRANSLATION E-C World Poetry Magazine Volume 1
《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉双语)世界诗刊 创刊号

Sophy Mobile 苏菲手机:0086 18201007874
Alipay 支付宝:18201007874


苏菲(Sophy Chen)/陈丽华


SOPHY POETRY & TRANSLATION E-C Magazine Volume No.1 Was Printed

Founder: Sophy Chen/Lihua Chen

Start Date: February 8, 2018 Published: July 25, 2018 Pages:70 ISSN: 2616-2660


Contents 目录 
Preface卷首语    01
Congratulations & Blessing 创刊贺词 02
Cover Poet 封面诗人
[Philippines] DOC PENPEN 3 Poems [菲律宾] 朋朋博士的诗3首 …a flower 06
Headline Poetry News 头条诗歌新闻    
苏菲 2018 PENTASI B 世界杰出诗人提名       09
PENTASI B 联谊会 2019中国世界世系诗歌节即将来袭!     09
Sophy Poetry (E-C-C-E) 苏菲诗歌(英汉-汉英)
In These Three Days, I Don’t Want to Do Anything  这三天,啥也不想干       12
Faced with Terrorism, Poetry Is Nothings’ Nothing 面对恐怖主义,诗歌是一无是处的是处 12
Mother Tongue Complex 母语情结         12
Tuberose 《晚香玉》                              13
ABOUT SOPHY CHEN 苏菲简介        13
International Poets 国际诗人    
[USA]Ronald J Chapman 3 Poems [美国]罗纳德•詹姆斯•查普曼 3首--- Butterflies (苏菲汉译)   14
[Canada]Ashok Bhargava 3 Poems [加拿大]阿诗欧克 K•巴嘎瓦  3首--- Morning Serenade(苏菲汉译)   15
[India]Shailesh Veer 2 Poems [印度]沙雷斯•维尔 2首 --- I WILL WAIT 我会等(苏菲汉译)  16
[Pakistan] Muhammad Khalid Khan 2 poems [巴基斯坦]默罕默德•哈立德汗 2首--Innocent Wishes(苏菲汉译) 16
[Egypt]George Onsy 3 Poems [埃及]乔治•昂斯 3首 --- YOU ARE LOVE (苏菲汉译)   17
[India]Vishnu Pandya 3 poems [印度]毗湿奴•潘地亚 3首 --- I M WITH YOU..(苏菲汉译) 18
[Poland]Anna Banasiak 3 poems [波兰]安娜•巴纳西亚克 3首 --- Masquerade (苏菲汉译)   18
[法国]方明 1首 [Frence]Fang Ming 1 poem  ---巴黎 哭泣(Tr. Sophy Chen) 19
[美国]文超尘 4首[USA]Wen Chaochen 4 Poems --- 66亿216千万年的孤独 (Tr. Sophy Chen)    20
Chinese Poets 中国诗人
[广东]陈陟云 1首 [Guangdong]Chen Zhiyun 1 Poem ---茶马古道   21
[贵州]郭思思 2首 [Guizhou]Guo Sisi 2 Poems ---九月的舞蹈        21
[上海]余志成 1首 [Shanghai]Yu Zhicheng 1 poem ---题一杆双筒猎枪   22
[广东]郭锦生 3首 [Guangdong]Guo Jinsheng 3 Poems ---中秋独照      23
[广东]李立 3首 [Guangdong]Li Li 3 Poems ---在悉尼湾    24
[北京]老巢 1首 [Beijing]Lao Cao 1 Poem ---我像是遇见了另一个自己      25
[山西]贾晋蜀 3首 [Shanxi]Jia Jinshu Poems 3 Poems ---我是最低的木片     25
[广东]李晃 3首 [Guangdong]Lihuang 3 Poems ---遥寄洛夫   26
[湖南]起伦 3首 [Hunan]Qilun 3 Poems ---空镜头  27
[广东]张红霞 1首 [Guangdong]Zhang Hongxia 1 Poem ---最后一个童话   27
[云南]蓝雪儿 1首 [Yuanlan]Blue Cher 1 Poem ---古盐井    28
[江苏]月色江河 1首 [Jiangsu]Yuese Jianghe 1 Poem ---桑园路    28
[吉林]冯冯 1首 [Jilin]Feng Feng 1 poem ---春天,让我重回人间   28
[吉林]孙颖 3首 [Jilin]Sun Ying  3 Poems ----一片枯叶 29
[湖北]宋星明 3首 [Hubei]Song Xingming 3 Poems ---一种蚕   29
[广东]邱宇林 3首 [Guangdong]Qiu Yulin 3 Poems ---爱与被爱 30
[山东]心蝶 3首 [Shandong]Xindie 3 Poems ---环翠楼     30
[四川] 绿袖子 2首 [Sichuan] Green Sleeves 2 Poems ---桃花是夜里另一条河流      31
[浙江]阿成 2首[Zhejiang]A-Cheng 2 Poems ---一只羊面朝大海    32
[湖北]王永华 1首 [Hubei]Wang Yonghua 1 poem ---霍金与一位诗人的联想 33
[贵州] 天籁之音 2首 [Guizhou] Nature Voice 2 Poems ---红豆红•七夕    33
[甘肃] 包容冰 1首 [Gansu] Bao Rongbing 1 Poem ---胡麻花开的时候你一定要回家 34
[山东] 张驰 2首 [Shandong] Zhang Chi 2 Poems ---小镇  35
[山东]王宏雷 散文诗2章 [Shandong]Wang Honglei 2 Prose Poems ---花径     36
Poets Columns 诗人专栏    
[江苏]胭脂茉莉 8首 [Jiangsu] Rouge Jasmine 8 Poems ---仲夏夜之梦    37
[广东]子午 组诗 [Guangdong] Zi Wu, a Group of Poems ---新世纪的第一场雪(组诗)  39
[中国]康桥 组诗 [China] Kuang Qiao, a Group of Poems ---黄河(组诗)     41
[山东]散皮 4首 [Shandong] SanPi 4 Poems ---镜子里的影像谋杀了我    43
[江西]湖拮 7首 [Jiangxi] Hujie 7 Poems ---有这么一个春天就够了     44
[北京]张鹏飞 5首 [Beijing] Zhang Pengfei  5 Poems ---让我们一起去土右旗   46
[山东]田宇 组诗 [Shandong] Tian Yu Poems Series ---你比蝴蝶还可爱(组诗)     48
Translation Review 翻译评论   
[中国]苏菲:对中国汉语十四行诗的一点看法   50
[China]Sophy Chen: Viewpoint on Chinese Fourteen Lines Poems     50
Poetry Review 诗歌评论
[Philippines]Ed Cordevilla: Doc Penpen’s Universal Family: Pentasi B World     53
[菲律宾]埃德温•科德维拉:朋朋博士的世界大家族:Pentasi B 世界(Tr. Sophy Chen)   53
International Poetry News 国际诗讯
加纳共和国致一位菲律宾诗人的殊荣,朋朋博士“视觉诗歌之父”奖  54
India declares a Filipino as‘King of Visual Poetry’    56
印度宣布一位菲律宾人为“视觉诗歌之王”   56
Chinese Poetess Sophy Chen’s Original English Sonnets Collection TUBEROSE Published in American Amazon     59
苏菲原创英语十四行诗集《晚香玉》在美国亚马逊英语图书网全球公开发行    59
Poems Contribution 诗歌征稿启事
Global Notice to Contributors and Booking of “Sophy Poetry & Translation” Magazine (C-E)   60
《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉对照)杂志全球稿约、预订公开函   60
翻译家苏菲全球翻译收费最低标准公告      63
Minimum Standard of Translator Sophy Chen’s Translation Fee   63
Sophy Chen Translated Poems Global Promotion Line    66
苏菲国际诗歌翻译推广路线图       66
International Painters & Calligraphers  国际书画 
 [Egypt]George Onsy    [埃及]乔治•昂斯     Third Cover  封三
Front Cover                                                  封面 
Poet, Doc Penpen, the Father of Visual Poetry   视觉诗歌之父 诗人朋朋博士
Headline Poet  Second Cover 头条诗人  封二 
[浙江]大藏2首 [Zhejiang]Dazang 2 Poems
Back Cover                                                  封底  
[China]Sophy Chen  Sophy World Poets Friendship    [中国]苏菲 苏菲世界诗人联谊
Current Translator:
SOPHY POETRY & TRANSLATION E-C Magazine Volume No.1 was independently translated by translator Sophy Chen
Current Art Designer:
Front Cover Designers: Dr. Peng peng, Dazang, Sophy Chen, George Onsy
Back Cover Designers: Dr. Peng peng, Dazang, Sophy Chen
Second Cover Designers: Dazang, Sophy Chen
Third Cover Designers: Dazang, Sophy Chen, George Onsy
Word Layout Designer:Dazang

Poems Contribution

In order to ensure the artistic quality of the Magazine and its long life, now we make an appointment for poets’ contribution from all over the world. Specific issues are as follows:
I. Poems and articles in it are translated by translator Sophy Chen independently (or translated by some multilingual translators together);
Ⅱ. All influential, accomplished and capable poets in all countries can contribute your works, regardless of your nationality, language, ethnicity, religion, sex, and age. Our first standard is the quality of your works. 
Ⅲ. It is belonged to Sophy Chen personally at her own expense in the form of public subscription and publication, no payment for your works and you need to pay for your works translated if you ask your works to be published in this issue. 
Public Help Form:
1) Book
 Please poets and readers actively booking. Free shipping in mainland of China ¥ 50 per copy (a year) 4 issues in total 200 RMB. Overseas free postage ($ 30 per copy. Total of 4 ($ 120) US dollars. The order specify(mainland of China): name / pen name + WeChat / qq + email + phone + detailed mailing address. Overseas: name / pen name + facebook+ email + phone + detailed mailing address. We will print the books based on booking. If you need it, please pay for it. After the publication, we will mail it to you as soon as possible.
2) Translation Sponsorship
Translation sponsored, the Chinese contemporary poetry (Chinese to English) 15 RMB / line; translation(English to Chinese) $ 3 US dollars / line (title + subtitle + text + annotation) unified to be paid and put into Sophy poetry translation fund. Poets who wrote poetry for less than five years will not be translated. Poets’ translated poems which are not willing to be published in paper will not be translated. Poets who do not respect the translator’s labor bargaining will not be translated. To pay before translation. The poet’s profile within 300 words is obliged to provide translation.
3) (Chinese to English) Prose Poetry, Prose, Translation Criticism, Poetry Criticism 1000 RMB / Thousand Words; Fiction, Drama 800 RMB / Thousand Words; Poetry News 2 RMB / Word. (English to Chinese) Prose Poetry, Prose, Translation Criticism, Poetry Criticism $200/ Thousand Words; Fiction, Drama $200/ Thousand Words; Poetry News $0.5/ Word.
4) Cover Person and Cover 2, Poet Recommended Column sponsor (negotiable).
5) Other languages translation sponsorship fee to be negotiated (Negotiable).
6) Cover 3 Celebrities Painting sponsor (negotiable)
If you are both a poet and a painter, we can provide a full page of calligraphy and painting on Cover 3, including calligraphy or painting, a brief introduction to you and your photos, and we will promote it in both English and Chinese. Translation promotion fee to negotiate.
7) All poets’ poetry collections translated and published by Sophy Chen will be given a large pieces of Poets Column to publish your some poems without charge.
Ⅳ. “Sophy Poetry & Translation” Magazine (English-Chinese), is unified to be designed , produced, made a price and published by our editorial department; 16K, each issue 4 sheets (64 pages); long poems, poems, short poems, poetry reviews, and translation reviews can be published; cover: 300g coated paper coated, four-color printing (cover 1,2,3,4 color); page: 105g wood free paper / light paper; offset printing; after the magazine published, it will be submitted to the French International Journals Registration Center, ISSN CENTER for the record first. One copy of the sample book will be presented free of charge to the author. The rest copies will be delivered to the following units, the United Nations Library, UNESCO, the Congress Libraries of Important Countries, the world’s major literary newspapers and magazines, the world famous university libraries, the world famous literary research experts, the world famous literary translation award judges, and the Nobel Prize in Literature Review Committee, etc. (If some units have been sent they will be officially announced a news on the collection proof with their stamp sealed)
V. Submission Matters Attention
My dear poets and poetess: if you need your modern poems to be translated into English or into Chinese, and published in “Sophy Poetry & Translation” Magazine (English-Chinese), please send your masterpieces 3-8, your poet profile within 300 words (saved as word 97-2003), your a poetry image (original size or at least 3000px, 300dpi), (Title: xxx poems + profile + photos, font size5: Song Type or Times New Roman, please send a compressed file to SophyTranslation@163.com). After your poems read and approved by editors of our magazine and paid by you, your poems will be translated and published, so please wait for a few days. Once a translation agreement is reached, it is deemed to authorize Sophy Chen to translate and publish it in her electronic magazine, paper magazine or paper books compiled by her and without the translator’s permission, you can not allow another translator to translate your translated works into other languages based on the translated version, if you need your works to be translated into other languages, you must write who is the original author, which language your works were translated from, and who is the translator. If you need your works reproduced and published you must write the name of translator and source. Our magazine does not accept some translator’s translation works who has not made a translation agreement with us.
Ⅵ. Poetry Promotion
In order to let more readers to read the world’s best poetry, Sophy Chen, myself suggest, you, my poets and readers to actively promote your poems or others’ poems each other. If you do not want to promote your own translated poems into your blog or transmit your translated poems from our poems released platform, we will refuse to translate yours and publish yours. Our editorial department has made the magazines’ relevant subscription measures and developed some authoritative poetry promotion resources or the international poetry promotion subsidies your works to be translated or your initiatives sponsorship for your works to be translated and published. The draft measures are as follows:
1, Poets in mainland China : If you reserve a year (tentative quarterly, four books a year; 4 books ¥ 200RNB), we can translate and publish your masterpieces within 15 lines in a year or some poet’s masterpieces you recommended within 15 lines; if you reserve a total of 2 copies each year (a total of 8 books ¥ 400RNB), we can translate and publish your masterpieces within 30 lines in a year; and so on.
2, Overseas poets: If you reserve a year (tentative quarterly, four books a year; 4 books ¥ 800RMB, $ 120 dollars), we can translate and publish your masterpieces within 40 lines in a year or some poet’s masterpieces you recommended within 40 lines; if you reserve a total of 2 copies each year (a total of 8 books ¥ 1600RNB, $ 240 dollars), we can translate and publish your masterpieces within 80 lines in a year; and so on.
3. The overseas’ Chinese poets who have gathered many international poets or the international poets with well international poetic promotion resources, welcome to contact us to exchange and promote resources. Sophy Chen and my related translators will translate a certain number of these poets Chinese and foreign poetry.
(Mainland of China) Please add Sophy Chen’s WeChat (18201007874) and QQ (478674384), public number (service number “Sophy English Online” and subscription number “Sophy Poetry & Translation”); (Overseas) Please add facebook (http://facebook.com/sophy.chen.969), twitter (sophychen), google + (xisusophy@gmail.com).
Ⅶ. Sophy Chen’s translated works and publications will be promoted on the lines:
1, Sophy English Online service number or subscription number (English / English-Chinese) + Authors’ own blogs (not self-reported poets or writers whose works will be refused to translate and publish)
2, Sophy Poetry & Translation Website ( English / English-Chinese) + Dazang Poetry Website or Dazang Poetry Forum (Chinese)
3, The United States Amazon E-books Publications (English) + ISSUU International Journal Network (English)
4, Sophy Chen independently translated and published in paper (English / English-Chinese) + big media (English / English-Chinese).
5, Sophy Chen independently translated and published translation selections + Sophy Chen independently translated and published English-Chinese poetry collections;
Sophy Chen independently translated and published poet’s poetry collections.
In addition, we will continue to develop the book reading markets both at home and abroad as we always are and prepare to log in to all e-journal networks around the world. We will also create an independent website of Sophy Poetry & Translation e-journal and Sophy Poetry Website for paper books .
At the same time, I welcome all poets and writers to authorize your poetry, essays, fiction and drama collections translated and published by Sophy Chen and Sophy International Translation Publishing House is dedicated to serve you!
Twitter: Sophy Chen
Google+: xisusophy@gmail.com
Wechat: 18201007874
Thank you for your support!
Sophy Chen / Chen Lihua
Sophy International Translation Publishing House
“Sophy Poetry & Translation” Magazine
“Sophy Poetry & Translation” Website

About Poetry Translator Sophy Chen 苏菲诗歌&国际翻译网 翻译家苏菲形象
▲苏菲形象照  Image of Sophy Chen
苏菲(Sophy Chen),本名陈丽华,中国当代女诗人、翻译家。出生于陕西汉中略阳县;毕业于西安外国语大学英文学院。美国英语“传奇诗人”。 “苏菲诗歌&翻译网”、“苏菲诗歌&翻译”(英汉双语)国际杂志社、“苏菲国际翻译出版社”创建人。“苏菲英语讲坛”创办者兼主讲人。 1989年,开始汉语诗歌写作、2004年开始英语诗歌写作、2005年开始英汉双语诗歌翻译。 获2012年度“国际最佳翻译家奖”(评选语言英汉双语)。“中国当代诗歌奖”(2013—2014)翻译奖(评选语言英汉双语)。获2018年 PENTASI B 世界杰出诗人提名奖(评选语言英语)。 翻译出版英译诗歌集六部:《花动摇》、《藏香》、《生之瞭望》、《异调》、《胴体向前》、《白娘子诗传》。 英语诗歌原创集,“苏菲英语十四行诗”《晚香玉》,仅仅8首诗,电子书在美国亚马逊英语图书网出版。
About Translator Sophy Chen
Sophy Chen, her name, Lihua and family name, Chen, born in Lueyang, Hanzhong, Shannxi Provinve, China, is the Chinese contemporary poetess, translator, and American English “Legendary Poet”. She is the founder of “Sophy Poetry & Translation Website”, “Sophy Poetry & Translation” International Magazine and “Sophy International Translation Publishing House” and the founder and leading lecturer of “Sophy English Forum”. She graduated from English Institute of Xian Foreign Studies University in English Literature. She began to write Chinese poetry in 1989 and English poetry in 2004, and she began to translate Chinese Poetry into English poetry and English poetry into Chinese poetry in 2005. She won the annual “International Best Translator” Award 2012(C-E)and the Chinese Contemporary Poetry (2013-2014) Translation Award(C-E). PENTASI B World Featured Poet 2018(E-E) She translated and published six Chinese poetry collections into English, The Flower Swaying (2014) , The Tibetan Incense(2014), The Outlook of Life (2014), The Different Tunes (2014), The Body Forward (2015), and A Poetry Biography for White Snake (2015), etc. Her English original poetry collection, Sophy English Sonnets, Tuberose, only 8 poems, published in Amazon in E-book.

▍网站信息 / Website Information
网站创办人:苏菲(Sophy Chen)
总编/翻译:苏 菲(Sophy Chen)
翻译评审:Ron Chapman
网站制作/中文编辑:大 藏



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『苏菲诗歌&翻译』往期回顾: 苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉双语)国际期刊创刊号已印刷出版(附目录) 苏菲英译 [北京] 张鹏飞的诗5首 中国诗歌系列(1) 苏菲英译诗歌论文:朋朋博士的世界大家族 Pentasi B 世界(埃德温•科德维拉) 创刊号封二[头条诗人]: 苏菲英译 大藏的诗 -《苏菲诗歌&翻译》国际期刊 苏菲国际诗歌之旅:菲律宾诗歌访问活动日程表(欢迎视频2) 全球诗人高度评价和祝贺《苏菲诗歌&翻译》国际翻译诗刊隆重创刊 《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉)国际期刊 (创刊号)封三”国际书画”图片预览与栏目简介 苏菲英译 [江西] 湖拮的诗7首 中国诗歌系列(1) 苏菲汉英双语原创(爱情诗) 《你不睡,我不敢入眠》 苏菲即将抵达菲律宾进行为期2天的诗歌访问 (欢迎视频1) 苏菲英译 [吉林] 孙颖的诗3首 中国女诗人系列(1) 苏菲汉译 [印度] 沙雷斯•维尔的诗 亚洲诗人系列(1) 苏菲全球公告:翻译家苏菲全球翻译收费最低标准 苏菲英译 [山东]散皮的诗4首 中国诗歌系列(1) PENTASI B 世界联谊会世界诗人世系给苏菲的官方公开任命书 苏菲英译[江苏]月色江河的诗 中国诗歌系列(1) 苏菲英译【云南】蓝雪儿的诗 中国女诗人诗歌系列(1) 世界杰出诗人奖回顾:2017印度宣布一位菲律宾人为“视觉诗歌之王” 苏菲英译【吉林】冯冯的诗 中国女诗人诗歌系列(1) 苏菲英译 [湖南] 起伦的诗3首 中国诗歌系列(1) 苏菲英译  [广东] 李立诗3首 中国诗歌系列(1) PENTASI B 全球励志诗人本杰明-尼太欧酷 PENTASI B 环球励志诗人霍恩-尼兰特文德普业 苏菲英译 [山西] 贾晋蜀的诗 中国诗歌系列(1) 世界杰出诗人奖回顾;2016加纳共和国为朋朋博士颁发“视觉诗歌之父”奖 苏菲汉译 “视觉诗歌之父”朋朋博士DOC PENPEN的诗 著名诗人洛夫逝世,苏菲英译洛夫诗2首 中国诗人苏菲荣获PENTASI B 2018″世界杰出诗人”提名 苏菲英译汉【波兰】安娜▪巴纳西亚克 国际诗歌系列 苏菲英译 [山东] 田宇组诗 中国诗歌系列 苏菲英译 [湖北]宋星明的诗 中国诗歌系列 《不朽的舞者》苏菲原创英汉双语诗歌The Great Dancer 苏菲英译 [浙江]大藏诗2首 中国诗歌系列 《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉对照)杂志创刊号全球翻译稿约、预订公开函 “苏菲诗歌&翻译”杂志期刊号正式通过法国期刊号中心批准 苏菲诗人简介正式上美国亚马逊英语网,苏菲诗歌翻译网Rss文章同步展示 苏菲原创英语十四行诗集《晚香玉》在美国亚马逊英语图书网公开全球发行 苏菲英译 [江苏]胭脂茉莉的诗 中国女诗人诗歌系列 苏菲对中国汉语十四行诗的一点看法 苏菲英译 [广东]张红霞的诗 ~中国女诗人诗歌系列(1) 苏菲英译 [广东]郭锦生的诗《中秋独照》中国诗歌系列 苏菲诗歌&国际翻译网简介和苏菲翻译作品链接 苏菲英译诗歌选 一 [普冬•杨克•方明•野鬼•伊沙] 苏菲英译诗歌选 二 [吴投文•唐诗•东荡子•黄礼孩•黄曙辉] 苏菲英译诗歌选 三 [温远辉•老巢•翼人•唐成茂•典裘沽酒•老刀] 苏菲英译诗歌选 四 [大藏•李小洛•王德席•刘殿荣] 苏菲五部英译诗歌集 [谭均•绿袖子•杨若鹏•紫影•赵兴中] 苏菲英语诗歌汉译(英译汉诗歌选11首)


sophychen logo - ©Translated by Sophy Chen©Translated by Sophy Chen
翻译版权所有 侵权必究





[ 法律顾问:李刚 ]



